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International Outreach...Honduras

The ASOPRS Foundation is excited to support ACE Global’s Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Committee to bring to fruition a first-of-its-kind fellowship training program in Honduras. This program will train Honduran oculofacial surgeons to serve as a steadily growing resource for the people of Honduras, where there is a demonstrated need for this specialty. The first-ever Fellow, Nicolle Andrea Ruiz Rodriguez, MD, is training now and is dedicated to improving patients' lives in Honduras.

Honduras faces a significant shortage of oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery providers, which has a profound impact on the health of its citizens, especially the poor. According to the World Health Organization, there are only 0.2 oculofacial plastic surgeons per 1 million people in Honduras. This limited access to specialized care leads to delayed diagnoses, inadequate treatment, and increased rates of preventable blindness. Honduras has one of the highest poverty rates in Latin America, making it difficult for many patients to afford the medical care they desperately need.

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Meet the 2023 Dale Meyer Rising Star

2023 Dale Meyer Rising Star, in my own words. 

                When I started my ophthalmology residency, I didn’t know much about the field of oculoplastic surgery. Working with Dr. David Tse in the clinic and operating room opened my eyes to a unique side of ophthalmology. I found myself drawn to complex cases requiring multidisciplinary care, and I felt inspired by the life-saving care we often provided. I was fortunate to care for a patient with lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma (LGACC) who had received trimodal therapy. This inspired my research into obtaining intraoperative margin clearance in tumor removal, which remains the highest risk factor for mortality.

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Why I Give...Patrick Flaharty's story

Why I Give...Patrick Flaharty's Story

When I attended the 50th anniversary of ASOPRS in San Francisco a few years back, it dawned on me that I had been a member of ASOPRS for more than half its existence. Over the years, I have built many great friendships with ASOPRS colleagues and watched the organization grow with the addition of many outstanding new members. As a cosmetically oriented physician, I’ve enjoyed and learned from my colleagues in the other core disciplines, but in the final analysis, I am most closely allied with my ASOPRS colleagues. We have the same core training, come from the same family tree, and need to nurture the continued growth of that tree for the next generation of ASOPRS physicians. Donating to the ASOPRS Foundation is one easy way to give back to the organization that has supported us over all these years and to help strengthen that organization to have an even greater impact on the world in the years to come. 

Why I Give...John Fezza, MD

"I encourage you to donate to the foundation; it makes a difference!" ~ J. Fezza

ASOPRS and the Foundation have always been like a family to me. There are so many incredibly talented, smart, and inspirational members, and I truly enjoy my interactions. More importantly, ASOPRS has been a platform for meeting old friends and making new ones. ASOPRS has been the gold standard for oculofacial plastic surgery and most advances in our field have been championed by ASOPRS members. I feel ASOPRS and ASOPRS Foundation are truly one and strive to educate physicians, set excellence in patient care, and provide a space for innovation in our field.

The Foundation has grown in the past decades to emerge as an outstanding charitable organization. It supports mission work in foreign countries training of foreign physicians in places where care is difficult, and it creates a platform and support for new research. In the past 20 years, the Foundation has provided unyielding philanthropic assistance, and its impact can be felt globally.

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Bart Frueh Award Winner -  Dr. Michelle Ting

"A Comparison of Proptosis Reduction with Teprotumumab vs. Surgical Decompression Based fat-to-muscle Ratio in Thyroid Eye Disease." 
Michelle Tang, MD

Dr. Michelle Ting graduated this year from the international ASOPRS fellowship at UCSD. While at UCSD, she was under the excellent tutelage and mentorship of Dr. Don Kikkawa, Dr. Bobby Korn, and Dr. Catherine Liu. Before her fellowship, she trained in the United Kingdom; she attended college and medical school at Cambridge University and Imperial College London, then undertook her residency at Moorfields Eye Hospital, including a year as Chief Resident. Now she enjoys working as an attending oculoplastic surgeon at the Royal Free Hospital in London, applying the skills and techniques she learned during fellowship and sharing ideas from across the pond with her residents and fellow.

We asked Dr. Ting to tell us about what inspired her and why she chose the topic that won her this year’s Bart Frueh Award.  

 “This year at the ASOPRS Fall Symposium, I was given the opportunity to present an exciting study that we conducted during my ASOPRS fellowship, “A comparison of proptosis reduction with teprotumumab versus surgical decompression based on the fat-to-muscle ratio in thyroid eye disease.” We chose to investigate this because teprotumumab is a new tool in our armamentarium of treatments for thyroid eye disease, but we had little idea of how it compared to the traditional treatment for proptosis, namely surgical decompression. Our idea was sparked by the clinical observation that not all patients were experiencing the same degree of response to teprotumumab, with some still going on to need surgical decompression but others responding very well to a course of the medicine alone. The idea for our study was also influenced by the findings of our previous work (for which we were also lucky to win the Bartley Frueh award in 2021!), “Differential effects of teprotumumab treatment based on the fat-to-muscle ratio in patients with thyroid eye disease” (Orbit 2002 Sep 12;1-8). We showed that the orbital fat-to-muscle ratio (FMR) in thyroid eye disease correlates with proptosis reduction in response to teprotumumab. Based on this, we wanted to explore whether FMR could be used to identify if surgical decompression or teprotumumab might lead to a greater reduction in proptosis. We looked at patients who had completed a course of teprotumumab and compared their level of proptosis reduction with patients who had undergone surgical decompression alone. We then stratified the patients into two groups, those with high FMR and those with low FMR, and found an interesting difference between the two. Patients with low FMR had similar levels of proptosis reduction with teprotumumab as compared to surgical decompression, but in patients with high FMR, orbital decompression was associated with a greater level of reduction in proptosis than teprotumumab. We concluded that FMR is a useful tool in predicting whether a patient will respond better to teprotumumab or surgery and that surgical decompression should still be considered as first-line treatment for patients with a high FMR. We hope our study helps to inform clinicians about how to counsel patients on the choice between teprotumumab and surgical decompression and to build a picture of where teprotumumab falls in the framework of treatments for thyroid eye disease.”

2022 Michael J Hawes Lecture

ASOPRS Foundation 2022 Michael J. Hawes Lecture was presented by John Siebert, MD, entitled Changes in Cutaneous Gene Expression after Microvascular Free Tissue Transfer in Parry-Romberg Syndrome.  

John Siebert, MD, Professor in the Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Division of Plastic Surgery, presented his work on Parry-Romberg Syndrome at the ASOPRS Fall Symposium. Dr. Siebert is world-renowned for work with Parry-Romberg patients, including his approach of early intervention with his microvascular free tissue transfer reconstruction technique. 
Dr Siebert graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1981. He went on to complete his  General Surgery residency at Massachusetts General Hospital from 1981 to 1986, and then did his Plastic Surgery residency and a microsurgery fellowship at New York University from 1986 to 1989.  He was on faculty at NYU in Plastic Surgery and served as director of the Microsurgery Fellowship and Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bellevue Hospital while on staff at NYU; Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital; and with New York Eye and Ear Infirmary for 20 years.  He has been a Professor at UW since 2007 and has had an Endowed Chair since 2015.
Dr. Siebert has written over 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 20 chapters in plastic surgical textbooks.  He has delivered over 172 presentations as invited lectureships, visiting professorships, and at international and national plastic surgery meetings. He has received numerous awards in plastic surgery, including three James Barrett Brown awards by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons in 1991, 1998, and 2021 for the best contribution to the plastic surgery literature that year.

Bart Frueh Award Winner - Dr. Edith Reshef

Meet Edith Reshef, MD - 2022 Bart Frueh Award Winner for her presentation entitled Reduction in Extraocular Muscle Cross-sectional Area Following Teprotumumab for Thyroid Eye Disease.” 

Dr. Reshef attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before receiving her medical degree from Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She completed her ophthalmology residency at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School, where she subsequently completed an ASOPRS fellowship in Orbit and Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. She received a Heed Fellowship Award from the Society of Heed Fellows during her fellowship training. Dr. Reshef is joining the Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School faculty to develop a pediatric oculoplastic surgery program.

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2022 Michael J. Hawes Lecture Honoree - Daniel P. Schafer

ASOPRS Foundation Michael J. Hawes Lecture Honoree
Daniel P. Schaefer, MD, FACS
by Kathleen F. Archer, MD

It was my distinct honor to present Dr. Daniel P. Schaefer as this year's honoree for the ASOPRS Foundation Michael J. Hawes Lecture. Dr. Schaefer has been a member of ASOPRS since 1988. He immediately became active within ASOPRS and has remained so.

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