The Bartley Frueh, MD, Award for Best YASOPRS Presentation is given by the ASOPRS Foundation to the top two YASOPRS presentations during the fall meeting. This award is given in honor of Dr. Bartley Frueh’s passion for teaching and intellectual curiosity. Dr. Frueh, a past ASOPRS president, a renowned oculoplastic surgeon, and a world expert on thyroid eye disease, established and directed the Eye Plastics and Orbital Service at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1979-2008.
 2024 Karen Brown, MD “Micropigmentation for Facial and Periocular Surgical Scar Camouflage”
Shazia Dharssi, MD “Triangular Anterior Lamellar Optimization Flap for Wedge Resection Repairs of Eyelid Colobomas”
 2023 Benyam Z. Kinde, MD, PhD “DNA Damage Checkpoint Kinases and Traumatic Optic Neuropathy”
Charlotte Lucine Marous, MD “Effects of Preoperative Intravenous Versus Subcutaneous Tranexamic Acid on Postoperative Periorbital Ecchymosis and Edema Following Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Comparative Study”
 2022 Edith R. Reshef, MD “Reduction in Extraocular Muscle Cross-Sectional Area Following Teprotumumab for Thyroid Eye Disease”
Michelle Ting, MD “A Comparison of Proptosis Reduction with Teprotumumab vs Surgical Decompression Based on Fat-to-Muscle Ratio in Thyroid Eye Disease”
 2021 Kelsey Roelofs, MD “Optimizing Management of Asymmetric Ptosis: A Comparison of Three Posterior Approach Resection Algorithms”
Michelle Ting, MD “Differential Effects of Teprotumumab Treatment Based on Fat:Muscle Ratio in Thyroid Eye Disease”
 2020 Liza Cohen, MD “Recurrence of Orbital Venous-Dominant Venolymphatic Malformations after Sclerotherapy versus Embolization with Excision”
Rohan Verma, MD “Acellular Cadaveric Dermal Matrix Grafts vs Non-ACDM Implants for Orbital Wall Reconstruction in Patients with Sinonasal Malignancies”
 2019 Rachel Sobel, MD “Frequency and Fate of Residual Orbital Lesions after Treatment of Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma”
Adam Sweeney, MD “Topical Prostaglandin Analogue Use is Associated with Ptosis Repair Failure”
 2018 Emily Sarah Charlson, MD “A Digital Ocular Prosthesis with Wireless Transmission of Real-Time Pupil Tracking”
Andrew Ting, MD “Blink Dynamics by High Speed Photography: Small Incision Levator Advancement Versus Müller’s Muscle Conjunctival Resection”
2017 Benjamin Erickson, MD “Don’t 'Burn, Baby, Burn!': A Novel Decoupler to Prevent Operating Room Fires.”
Nora Silverman, MD "Ocular Pyogenic Granulomas Treated with Topical Timolol.”
2016 Evan Kalin-Hajdu, MD “Diffusion Weighted Imaging as a Method of Diagnosing Distensible Orbital Venous Malformations”
Sonul Mehta, MD "Is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Associated with Primary Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (PANDO)?”
2015 Alison Callahan, MD “Low Flow Combined Venous-Arterial Lesions of the Orbit.”
Jill Melicher-Larson, MD “A case of cocaine-induced pyoderma gangrenosum resulting in severe cicatricial ectropion.”
2014 Milap Mehta, MD “Medial Orbital Wall Anatomic Landmarks.”
Preeti Thyparampil, MD “Changes in Intracocular Pressure During Orbital Floor Fracture Repair.”
2013 Daniel Rootman, MD “Does the Tyndall Effect Describe the Blue Hue Periodically Observed in Subdermal Hyaluronic Acid Gel Placement?”
Edward Wladis, MD “Immunologic Characteristics of Ocular Rosacea.”
2012 Matthew Vicinanzo, MD “The Prevalence of Air Regurgitation and Its Consequences After Conjunctivo-dacryocystohinostomy with Lester Jones Tube and Dacryocystorhinostomy with Silicone Intubation."
Edward Wladis, MD “Toll-like Receptors and Vascular Markers in Ocular Rosacea.”